
Pastors & Staff

Bishop, First Lady Williams


They have been married for over 40 years. They are the proud parents of ten children and over 30 grandchildren. Bishop is the founder and owner of Williams and Sons Disposal which has flourished for over 35 years. Bishop Williams is now the Assistant Presiding Bishop of the Apostolic Assemblies of Christ. First Lady Joyce is the owner of one of the best restaurants in Gallatin Tennessee, Oh Taste and See.

Elder John Dowell

Associate Pastor

Elder John Dowell is the associate pastor of Zion Upper Room.  

Elder Tim Williams


Our additional ministerial staff are here to assist our pastor and the congregation. 

Elder Mel Sawyers


Our additional ministerial staff are here to assist our pastor and the congregation. 

Min. Adrian Jackson


Our music department has members of all ages. They rehearse every Monday and Thursday night. The assistant Minister of Music works with the youth interested in being a part of the Music Ministry. We have a Praise Team, Choir and youth choir.

Lisa Sweed

Youth President

The Youth Department is very robust. We do Youth Camp every year for children and teens of all ages. The department offer's scholarships to our College students through Dollars for Scholars and new shoes to our school age children with our Shoes for School program. We have a Kings and Queens Program that helps kids with teens with today's issue they face. Every 3rd Sunday is Youth Sunday.

Charlene Carter


We enjoy helping our community. We offer free neighborhood activities for kids with free food. Our church has done clothing drives before school to provide free cloths to the community and backpacks full of school supplies.  We have started a jail ministry where we work with people incarcerated. We also host a weekly bible study in Hartsville Tennessee and host a weekly prayer call every Thursday.

Toni Mason


Our usher department helps ensure our guests are welcomed and that everyone has what they need during service. They are the door keepers and ensures things go well during service.

Minister & Sis Jackson


We have marriage class once a month. In this class you re givien tools to help and grow your marriage. There is information for newlyweds as well as couples who have been married for many years. We also do fun outings.

Angela Miller


We have parenting classes every month. Inforfmation is provided to parents with children of all ages.

Rosa Hickman


Our prayer ministry offers many opportunities to become closer to God in prayer. There is prayer every morning from 7am to 8am. We have evening prayer every Monday at 6:00 pm. 

Latoya Holcomb


Sunday School starts at 10:00 every Sunday. We have classes for all ages, starting at 3 years old to adult classed. Free breakfast is served for anyone attending Sunday School.